Wednesday, December 15, 2010


When do you think telling a white lie is okay? How many white lies is acceptable? Isn’t a white lie just a normal lie that is dressed up in some fancy nice wording. Everywhere you look, everyone is lying. For one reason or another, everyone resorts to tell someone, somewhere something that isn’t true and why?! Some people lie to protect someone else or some relationship that they are in and some lie, because they don’t know what else to do. But in a world where almost everything is not so great these days, I’m pretty sure that the best thing to do in life is to be honest. Honest and truthful and just see how that goes. But that’s the thing; no one wants to ‘see how that goes’ people want guarantees in life and sadly, there are none when it comes to living our lives. People lie, that’s very true, but it’s also true that people trying to be truthful and try their best to be the best person they can be. I don’t want to seem like I’m sitting on my high horse and just judging people because, God knows, I’m not a perfect example of a human being. I feel like white lies are just those things that people tell each other to save themselves from judgment because they can’t really deal with the reality of their own lives. I would love to meet more people that are just more balls to the wall honest. I think it would refreshing—don’t get me wrong—I love my friends and my family dearly and I wouldn’t trade them for the world but I would still love to meet more people that just tell you how it is, without sugar coating the bs and without being scared of what people might think. Years ago, I used to be one of those very people. I used to be scared of being myself and of saying exactly what was on my mind because, like everyone else, I wanted to be accepted. With time, and with the love and support of my family and friends I realized that people are always going to judge but at the end of the day the only person you can be, is yourself. Sure it can be scary at times because you can feel like your standing at the end of a cliff alone but you aren’t alone at all. There are people in life that will stand by your side and not say anything but just be there because that’s all you need in the end. We all need someone to be there and listen and hold us up when we don’t think we can stand. It’s one thing to be independent while also letting people into your life because their love and support really does help and really does make you that much of a better person. Yep I know, this post evolved from white lies to needing people by our sides… I know it’s random but then again, that’s yet another reason why I started this blog.

Thanks again for reading! 

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