Monday, December 13, 2010

Lazy Day Thoughts

So have you ever stayed in bed all day?!?! In theory that very same activity sounds good and relaxing but in reality when you are actually forced to stay in bed because you finally caught the flu that is going around in your office you slowly realize that staying in bed all day sucks. Sure, the first couple of hours it might be cool, but soon after the initial happiness of bed wears off, you really start to get bored. Lets face it, there are a lot of different things that you could be doing instead of staying in bed and trying to regain any normal human feeling back into your body. For example, today i wanted to wake up at a normal hour--say 9am or so-- and just go for a walk... but noooooooooo i can't do that, cuz i still feel like a train ran me over and thus my body can't really get up to do anything productive. What actually happened this morning was quite the opposite of that... i work up at noon, with a slight sense of 'what-the-hell-do-i-do-know-that-half-my-day-is-gone' continuously pounding on my mind.
Whats the home-remedy for getting better?!??! Many people have told me to drink tons of soup, but does that REALLY help??? or is our mind conditioned to think that soup will make us better because it's a hot liquid with protein and good stuff?!?!?!

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