Wednesday, December 15, 2010

What If You had Only 7 Days?!?!

What would you do if you found out you were going to die in 7 days?? Seriously, what would you do?! I mean if someone told me I was gonna die in a week I would probably freak out for about 30 minutes and then I would probably start spending all my money (yeah I know that’s pretty irresponsible but I wouldn’t really care). I would probably want to travel and see my family and just party as much as possible…just to get it out of my system and all. I would probably max out my credit cards buying random things from my family while also spend time on the phone telling people off and actually not caring about their feelings. Sure, it sounds heartless and all but hey, I’m dying in 7 days and I really wouldn’t have anything to lose. Oh and by the way, I wouldn’t tell anyone I know that I was gonna die because that would hurt them sooo much and I wouldn’t want them to be sad or depressed. I would want them to remember me as a happy and positive person; not someone that had only 7 days to live out the rest of her life. Would you tell your loved ones that you were dying soon?!?!?!  (I hardly doubt that you would tell EVERYONE, maybe just your mom and dad or siblings) To draw my life to a close I would probably decide to go to a tropical island for my last 36 hours of life and actually get tan so at least I would have a nice glow once I’m in the coffin. I would definitely also drink myself into oblivion so that I wouldn’t really realize that I only had a few hours left on the earth… I would probably chug long islands, because it’s the best type of drink to get you drunk since it has like 10 types of alcohols and which would thus be cheap.. J
Yea I know this post, isn’t so upbeat but I thought it would be cool to just focus on those 7 crazy days before your death. I’m pretty sure that at one time or another some of you have thought about it too. 

Something i wrote right before graduating high school

Im just reading though an old blog of mine and even if all these posts are really old, it's still quite fun to read them all again. Posting it with a smile on my face and warm memories in my heart.

Here i stand, at the end of a longgg hallway looking at a closing door and praying that another one will open. The only song that understands me is Grabriel By Lamb. Every word has its own weight and its own hidden meaning! I can't belive that im only 2 exams away from the rest of my life, at that thought all i want to do is kick and scream and cry, just like i once did when i was 2 years old. I found out that i might not even be going to italy untill like mid july but thats a whole other issue.. i might be going to cancun with my gals after graduation and in all honesty i really need it, i need to spend time with them because i am NOT ready to say goodbye, im not ready to tell them "i'll see u in december" i dont want to pull away any earlier that i have to! At the only thought of not knowing where i'll be next year, i just want to crawl in a ball and hide, but i know thats not the answer to anything. i know that u need to face life nose first..

    This year was filled with tears, laughs, broken hearts, inside jokes, loud songs, parties, karaoke, ice cream, huka, georgetown, dinners, lunches, randevuos, dresses, prom, post prom, the backpack drive, homecoming, halloween party, black and white party, trips, pictures, videos, late nights, early mornings, drama, fights, cat fights, lies, and in the mists of it all millions of memories. There is no way that i will forget any of it. All the good and the bad will stay and will keep me from being alone!

    So here's a thought: If you could go back, would you do anything differently?

Think about it really hard, because in the end if one thing was to be changed the rest of your life would be different which would mean that you would not be the person you are now.

Live every moment as if it were ur last and never look back because regretting the past is one of the greatest mistakes somone can ever make!

Ecco il Pensiero del 2008

Un Blog post super vecchio ma certe volte vedere le cose vecchie fanno star bene..

Ecco sono appena tornata dal'italia e devo dire che, come sempre, mi ha cambiato..
forse sono inamorata del'italia, del modo di vita italiano, dei ragazzi italiani e di tutto in quel paese!
i miss it... 
non c'e` niente da dire... tranne:

Quel mondo mi ha fatto cambiare.. mi ha fatto crescere e forse anche nasciere... 
guardero` al mio passato e sorridero.. mi ricordero di quel posto in cui ho piantanto le mie radici e dove ho iniziato a vivere veramente.. 
Vedro` che tu eri importante per me..
Le notti son fredde e certe sono tristi ma pensero` a te.. a noi.. a tutto quello che abbiamo vissuto insieme in tutti quei anni..
Forse non ero quello che tu volevi o nemmeno chi ti meritavi pero so` che tutti quei momenti sono stati vissuti in un modo o nel altro.
Forse quando penserai a me sorriderai oppure piangerai ma il punto e` che mi hai fatto sognare e mi hai fatto vedere che vivere e` la cosa piu bella che io potrei fare!

A tutti quelli di: Modena, Casinalbo, Fabriano, Roma, Latina.. mi avete cambiato e mi avete aiutato a diventare la persona che sono oggi...
vi mando mille baci e abbracci.... :-D


When do you think telling a white lie is okay? How many white lies is acceptable? Isn’t a white lie just a normal lie that is dressed up in some fancy nice wording. Everywhere you look, everyone is lying. For one reason or another, everyone resorts to tell someone, somewhere something that isn’t true and why?! Some people lie to protect someone else or some relationship that they are in and some lie, because they don’t know what else to do. But in a world where almost everything is not so great these days, I’m pretty sure that the best thing to do in life is to be honest. Honest and truthful and just see how that goes. But that’s the thing; no one wants to ‘see how that goes’ people want guarantees in life and sadly, there are none when it comes to living our lives. People lie, that’s very true, but it’s also true that people trying to be truthful and try their best to be the best person they can be. I don’t want to seem like I’m sitting on my high horse and just judging people because, God knows, I’m not a perfect example of a human being. I feel like white lies are just those things that people tell each other to save themselves from judgment because they can’t really deal with the reality of their own lives. I would love to meet more people that are just more balls to the wall honest. I think it would refreshing—don’t get me wrong—I love my friends and my family dearly and I wouldn’t trade them for the world but I would still love to meet more people that just tell you how it is, without sugar coating the bs and without being scared of what people might think. Years ago, I used to be one of those very people. I used to be scared of being myself and of saying exactly what was on my mind because, like everyone else, I wanted to be accepted. With time, and with the love and support of my family and friends I realized that people are always going to judge but at the end of the day the only person you can be, is yourself. Sure it can be scary at times because you can feel like your standing at the end of a cliff alone but you aren’t alone at all. There are people in life that will stand by your side and not say anything but just be there because that’s all you need in the end. We all need someone to be there and listen and hold us up when we don’t think we can stand. It’s one thing to be independent while also letting people into your life because their love and support really does help and really does make you that much of a better person. Yep I know, this post evolved from white lies to needing people by our sides… I know it’s random but then again, that’s yet another reason why I started this blog.

Thanks again for reading! 

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Pure Fun

Have you ever had the crazy desire to go in a grocery store and buy the most ridiculous things?
I'm a big fan of going to ToysRuS and spend the day in there and just play with all the toys because its not only fun but it just makes me feel like a kid again. My favorite aisle is probably the talking dolls (yea i know they are freaky) but they are fun, they are mini people made out of plastic. :) I love being loud and silly when you know that you shouldn't be at all.. It's over rated to be serious and proper all the time and it kinda gets old quite fast.
If i wasn't so feverish right now, i would definitely go to ToysR-Us and just stay there for hours and play with all the toys, just because i can.

Monday, December 13, 2010

What Every Girl Wants to Hear

I heard this song on the radio the other day and it has been stuck in my head ever since. The lyrics are beautiful and very loving (obviously).. I just thought i would share it with whoever reads this blog.

:) happy listening

Il Viaggio della Vita

Mi fa ridere rileggere le parole che ho scritto quasi anni fa perche ora posso leggerle senza provar rancore.. tutto nella vita accade per una certa ragione. Un amore fallito e passato ti fa capire tantissimo di te stessa e di quello che vuoi nella vita. Ed e` per questo che ora sono contenta e serena con la vita che vivo oggi.. certo ci sono dei giorni che sono un po giu, ma questo e` normale. La gente che si incontra nel percorso della vita sono semplicemente compagni di viaggio, certi ti possono stare accanto piu di altri, e altri posso lasciare impronte nel tuo cuore ma alla fine il viaggio piu importante e` quello che fai con te stesso. Quel viaggio che hai paura di intraprendere perche sai che dovrei—a tutti i costi—guardarti allo specchio e darti spiegazioni propio a te stesso.

Quasi una lettera d'amore

Una lettera scritta mille anni fa`... durante una vita che non e` piu la mia, con dei sentimenti oramai non esistenti:

Ti amo in una maniera completamente pura e positiva. Quando stavamo insieme ho avuto tantissima paura perche era, anche se non ero consapevole allora, la prima volta che mi sono veramente aperta con qualcuno. Tutti i giorni che habbiamo passato insieme sono stati giorni in cui tu mi hai regalato emozioni, sensazioni, amore, comprensione e fiducia. Ora, quasi 4 anni da quel bellismo giorno che habbiamo decisono di stare insieme, mi rendo conto che sei il mio grante amore. Sei stato il mio secondo ragazzo serio pero il mio primo grande amore! Mi trovo davanti al computer pensando a te e ripassando ogni momento che habbiamo vissuto insieme. Piu il tempo passa, e piu mi rendo conto che tu sei la mia anima gemella. Ed é per questo che tutte le volte che ascolto una cazone d’amore, penso a te. A te e all’amore che mi hai fatto sentire, a tutte quelle cose che mi hai fatto vedere trammite i tuoi occhi. Non posso negare che ho avuto tantissima paura di innamorarmi di te, ma quando mi sono resa conta che era, e tutt’ora sono, innamorata di te era gia troppo tardi.
Ora sono qua, con le lacrime agli occhi e mi rendo conto di quanto ho sbagliato con te e con “noi”. Non posso restare impassibile davanti a te. Mi conosci troppo bene per fingere e per essere indifferente. Tutt’ora ti penso, ti voglio, ti desidero e ti amo. Non ho mai finto con te, non ho mai detto cose per ferirti; perche nel ferire te, ferivo anche mestessa. Odio che ora non stai con me e che hai conitinuato a vivere la tua vita come se io non fossi mai esistita. L’unica cosa che voglio veramente sapere é se mi ami ancora. Le volte che abbiamo parlato ho visto nei tuoi occhi, che mi pensi e che ami ancora. É impossibile non vederlo, anche io ti so leggere benissimo, forse meglio di cuanto posso leggere me stessa.

Lazy Day Thoughts

So have you ever stayed in bed all day?!?! In theory that very same activity sounds good and relaxing but in reality when you are actually forced to stay in bed because you finally caught the flu that is going around in your office you slowly realize that staying in bed all day sucks. Sure, the first couple of hours it might be cool, but soon after the initial happiness of bed wears off, you really start to get bored. Lets face it, there are a lot of different things that you could be doing instead of staying in bed and trying to regain any normal human feeling back into your body. For example, today i wanted to wake up at a normal hour--say 9am or so-- and just go for a walk... but noooooooooo i can't do that, cuz i still feel like a train ran me over and thus my body can't really get up to do anything productive. What actually happened this morning was quite the opposite of that... i work up at noon, with a slight sense of 'what-the-hell-do-i-do-know-that-half-my-day-is-gone' continuously pounding on my mind.
Whats the home-remedy for getting better?!??! Many people have told me to drink tons of soup, but does that REALLY help??? or is our mind conditioned to think that soup will make us better because it's a hot liquid with protein and good stuff?!?!?!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Food For Thought

Today i was surfing the web and all of a sudden i came across a website that challenged its readers to really think about life and their own actions within that life. In the mist of those 25 sentences, one really caught my eye.
It read, "If you could do it all over again, would you change anything?"
and that got me thinking, would you?! i'm not a strong believe in having regrets but hey, i think that having one or two in the span of your life is normal. Right?! Or so we think its normal.. im pretty sure the ideal situation would be to not have any regrets at all...
Everything, in my opinion, happens for a reason. Even if sometimes we dont even want to think that there is a logical reasoning behind something.

So Here Goes Nothing

I have to warn anyone that decides to read this, i have never really thought about starting or writing in a blog until now; thus, i don't have a lot of practice. I figure i should start by saying that i figured that blogging was a productive way of expressing any thoughts or opinions i might have.. so here goes nothing!